Finger Licking Good!
Me and my 3 year old cutie
Before they sing Happy Birthday to you, the staff ring a cow bell and call for the attention of the whole restaurant as "_____" is celebrating "_____". Liam had to stand on top of the chair. Just after him, at the table behind us a couple were celebrating their 50th anniversary!
The birthday boy and his sundae with sparkler and gummy worms - yummy! :)
Then we had his party a week later,(yesterday - Aug 10) as hubby & I were both home and had the day off. The theme of the party was Go Diego Go.
Lunch time jungle style -
snake eggs - red & green grapes
live worms - hot dogs cut into strips and bolied until curly)
tiger toes - chicken nuggets
beetle wings - potato chips and taco chips
croc teeth - apple slices
chocolate covered red & black ants - chocolate covered cranberries(red)and chocolate
covered raisins(black)
moss and tree bark - spinach dip and pumpernickel bread
jungle juice - pop
Left to Right: Abby, Autumn, Liam, Alexander, Wynn
The adults, Left to Right: Daddy, Grandpa R., Grandma R, Grandma P.(hiding),Uncle M, Grandpa P.... and daddy again (below)
Present Time! The birthday boy was so excited as you may be able to tell by the picture.
Even though I had a few other party games planned, the weather was nice and the kids wanted to go outside and play on the Diego slip n slide that I bought a couple days before the party.
Rather than a birthday cake, we had Diego cupcakes that I made. Since the kids were all wet we just ate them outside on the deck. Unfortunately the chocolate hair was starting to soften and badly droop when this pic was taken, you can see in the black & white picture at the bottom what they were supposed to look like originally.
My animal rescuers
...and again
Autumn proudly displaying the monkey streamers she colored and cut out
tub time with the new tub toys - shower sprayer, water trumpet and water flutes
Liam playing with his new remote control "Invincible Tornado"'s really cool, lights and twists.
1 comment:
WOW! What a great Mom you are to do all that for the big Party! I don't know where you get your energy! (I was tired just looking at the pictures!) The kids are the cutest, and you look great after traveling around the world! Thanks for letting me see you pictures. ~Judy/AB2
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