Wow, it's been almost a week since my last post. Before I forget and losr my train of thought, I just wanted to correct something I said earlier. I said about my legs being to short to reach the pedals in the car comfortably....since that post, I've had no problems so either I didn't have the seat ALL the way forward like I thought I had or I've just relaxed and am more comfortable....or both. Also, that is in the car I take my driving lessons in with my driving instructor. I drove our van yesterday (with Cliff) and had no problem reaching the pedals. Infact, the seat would have gone even closer than I actually needed (and this is the vehicle I'll be driving most when I get my licence). I had a lesson yesterday and did much better but am still making little mistakes that on the exam will result in a fail but in daily driving are acceptable. I have lesson number 5/5 on Thursday, and as I had my instructor tell me but I already knew myself, I have improved considerable from lesson number 1/5 - number 5/5. However, I'll still need more lessons before I even try going for my road test.
In other news, Autumn starts her rhythmic gymnastics again today that finished before Christmas. And she will be advancing to the next level class. Hopefully, she is feeling better this evening than she did this morning, I'd hate for her to miss her first class back after such a long break. All three of my kids have a bad chest cold and Autumn also has a runny nose and woke up with a fever this morning. Cliff is starting to feel better, with the exception of the headache he woke up with today. He is almost finished his course of antibiotis for strep throat that he started on Friday. So far I've been able to keep myself healthy amongst all the sickie bugs in my house. Also happening this evening, I register Autumn for kindergarten to night. It is a full day, every day program and she is really looking forward to going to school EVERY DAY.
Yesterday was my mom's birthday but since this past weekend was Super Bowl Weekend (my brother is a football fan), we are celebrating next weekend (Feb 10). She has requested we take her out for Chinese food. Also in birthday news, I'm getting everything planned and organized for Wynn's birthday party next month. He wants a Star Wars theme.
Also just to end, I should post that I accomplished a couple more of my goals on my "101 in 1001". A friend and I are both actively trying to lose weight and adopt healthier lifestyles. To date I've lost 6 1/2 pounds - accomplishing and exceeding my goal to lose 5 pounds. Also I got all my bills sorted and filed recently, now to file all the loose recipes I have piled on my baker's rack.