In a galaxy not so far away, on the day of March 31, 2001, a baby boy was born. From the beginning, his energy drew the attention of the Jedi Council, who named him Wynn. They knew he was the chosen one. In the 7 years that followed his birth, young Wynn has been learning the powers of the Force.
Recently though, the Jedi Knights have felt a strong disturbance in the Force. A disturbance generated by the darkside...many Jedi knights have been lost. The very future of the Jedi Order is now in jeopardy.
The Jedi Council has called upon young Padawan Wynn to seek out future Jedi. Your young padawan's presence is requested to complete Jedi Trainting on March 30, 2008.
The Trials will begin promply at 12:30pm at the Ryden Star System of the Lismer Crescent Galaxy, Docking Bay 23.
Please advise the Jedi Council as soon as possible at 832-2842 as to whether yous young padawan will accept the challenge of the trials. May The Force Be With You!
We didn't go all out with decorations such as streamers and balloons, rather, hubby hung several ship models from the ceiling. The two in the next picture he made from everyday things such as toilet paper tubes, styrofoams cups and egg cartons.
As the guests arrived, they were greeted at the door by Princess Leia (me) and were given there own tunics to put on. Brown for the boys and white for the girls. Star Wars music was playing in the background.

For the meal which we started our training with, there was a menu to choose from.
Before starting training, the padawans had to repeat the Jedi Oath:"A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense never for attack."
First we made light sabers using pool noodles. Inside a slit on the handle we iserted our power core (wooden dowel wrapped in aluminum foil) and a focusing crystal (coloered plastic crystals). Then we went down stairs to practice using other weopons of the Jedi. Blasters (nerf balls from spring-loaded guns) shooting Star Wars figures on the stairs. And Laser Canons (Nerf darts) shooting felts targets of Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, and Darth Maul.
After making the lightsabers, Darth Vader (hubby) came and taught the young padawans a basic fight sequence and one by one they took turns practicing with Darth Vader.
Last the kids opened the pinata that I had made of the Death Star. I used a conversion kit to make it a pull-string pinata hoping to be able to keep the model intact but Inside was a bag with each kid's name on it.

Graduation: I told the padawans that they have proven themselves worthy of training to become a Jedi Knight and handed out these certificates that I had laminated.
Lastly, we had cake and opened gifts. Hubby decorated the cake.
I made our own thank-you cards using this photo of Wynn that was taken last Halloween at an annual event called Boo At The Zoo. Wynn is dressed up as a stormtrooper and is standing beside a stand-up cutout of Darth Vader. We put the picture on the front of the cards and wrote inside May The Force Be With You!
You are such an awesome mom!!! Great lookin' party! Wish I was there...I would've been an ewok...but a mutant ewok, cuz I'm tall...Way to go Rach!
You are pretty much the coolest mom ever!!! I thought I put a lot of time into my kids parties, but I've got nothing on you! I'm sure Wynn will remember that b-day for his entire life!
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