I am not in the technoligically elite who send or receive text messages and who apparently no matter where these people are, if the get a text , they have to stop and read it. However I'm just as bad with IM on the computer, if I see a flashing orange box, I have to stop what I'm doing or excuse my kids as "I just have to check this". At church we just finished a sermon series about if God send you a text message, would you read it? The truth is He has, it is called the Bible. One of the reasons texts are so alluring is that they are relevant and personal. Well that's the same as the Bible, it is both relevant and personal. It is a guide to our feet and a light to our path. The Bible is the greatest miracle as it is made up of 66 books, over 40 authors and spans 1500 years. Yet they all tell the same story - redemption. Beyond just reading the bible my pastor encouraged us that we should take it to the next level and go beyond reading and PERSONALIZE the scriptures. One scrpiture that has been speaking to me is Romans 8:38,39. - ...nothing can seperate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord!....not lonliness, self-doubt, low self confidence, finances, economic hardship, divorce, family difficulties, anger....NOTHING! His love endures forever! This is repeated over and over for us in Pslam 136 and I personlized it here:
To Him who allowed me to grow up with a Christian influence through various churches, youth groups and Christain school.
His love endures forever.To Him who burdened my heart for the ministry
His love endures forever.
and provided a way for me to go overseas,
His love endures forever.and had his angels watch over me while overseas in a foreighn culture.
His love endures forever.
To Him who put dear friends in my life
His love endures forever.
and who provides a way for us to keep in touch even miles apart.
His love endures forever.
To Him who holds the whole world in His hands
His love endures forever.
and provides for every little thing even when we don't understand His ways.
His love endures forever.
To Him who brought my husband and I together
His love endures forever.
and has us in the same profession allowing us to be a support for each other.
His love endures forever.
Even when I have a bad day, He never leaves me.
His love endures forever.
To Him who blessed with three strong, happy, and healthy children
His love endures forever.
who love Him and want to know more of Him.
His love endures forever.
To Him who provides everything my family needs.
His love endures forever.
To Him who made the seasons, colors, and the sun to rise and set.
His love endures forever.
To Him who loves us even when we stumble and helps us back up on solid ground.
His love endures forever.
To Him who comforts me when I'm lonely or feel far from Him.
His love endures forever.
To Him who weaves the plot of our story-His story-from beginning to end.
His love endures forever.