Sunday, March 29, 2009

More Parties

In nine days, March 31 - April 8, my family has 5 birthdays to celebrate. We had my son's birthday party yesterday. Normally I go all out and do a theme party but this year I just didn't have any ideas early enough to get organized PLUS I'm working night shifts this weekend so I'm in no condition to be hosting a bunch of people at my house. So this year we did something different and had a popcorn party at the movie theater.

The kids watched the movie Monsters vs Aliens. Click the movie title to check out the trailer if you haven't seen it yet. I got off work at 7:45 am. We (3 adults and 8 kids) met at the movie theater for 12:40pm. Had birthday cake and presents in a party room for the first hour then watched the movie in a reserved seating area with popcorn and drinks provided. After, my family and both sets of grandparents met us for supper at a truckstop restaurant and we had the buffet (my son's request). It was alot of fun and surprisingly enough I stayed awake and functional through most of the day :) and napped once we came home and before I had to go back for another night shift. Rather than the usual big birthday cake we bought one from the grocery bakery that they made out of cupcakes - great idea for kids!

Next weekend, we celebrate my niece's birthday who is actually 2 days after my son's. Although it will mostly be a celbration for my niece with the kids having a sleepover and family lunch/party the next day, we will also wish a happy birthday to my sister-in-law (whose birthday is the day after my niece) and my husband and his mother (who share a birthday). I'm going to try to post some pictures tomorrow once I get them downloaded from my camera.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Come Back Spring!

Spring, where is thy warmth and sweet smell?! Correct me if I'm wrong but this IS officially spring. I realize I'm in Winnipeg where winters can last and last and it's not always guaranteed that on May long weekend you'll be able to plant without the continued risk of frost. But still........... This winter has already been so long and bitterly cold that we've all had enough. Last week there were puddles everywhere, snow was melting and you could see grass and muddy gardens, kids were riding bikes......then THIS! I'm not sure of the exact amount of snow but over the last couple days I'm sure we have more snow now than the original amount that was here. And the winds and ice under the snow, it is treacherous outside. I just cleaned my driveway yesterday of all the ice and show so I could actually get up it with out getting stuck and now it looks like I never did it. Guess, I know what I'll be doing as soon as I'm done here. After watching my kids yesterday I'd say they are ready for spring/summer too (that's the only reason I can think of for them doing what they did). While my oldest son & I were cleaning the driveway, my 3 & 5 year old were on the front step on the bench with a blanket and pillows. That part's OK but later when I looked they had taken of their boots, jackets, AND socks. Despite telling then to get dressed or they will get cold they insisted they weren't cold and continued to dance around like it was the middle of June. Needless to say, in a while they were crying and calling "Mommy, I'm Cold...". We went inside and got warmed up and everyone was better. P-L-E-A-S-E come back Spring , we are SO ready for you! Winter, winter go away and come again another day (like next year!).

Purple Day

March is Epilepsy awareness month and as such I wanted to share about Purple Day. I myself have epilepsy which is controlled by medication. I have three children whom none of have epilepsy. When I was pregnant with my first child I was very concerned that I would pass this condition onto him. I did not. As I still don't understand the whole process and how this condition is passed onto our children, it is something I continue to research. My mom had epilepsy and had two children that now have it meanwhile she has "outgrown ?" the condition. And I have epilepsy and three children who do not...???... During one of my times surfing the net I found this article and want to share it with you:

A little bit about Purple Day...

Founded in 2008, by nine-year-old Cassidy Megan of Nova Scotia, Canada, Purple Day is an international grassroots effort dedicated to increasing awareness about epilepsy worldwide. On March 26, people from around the globe are asked to wear purple and spread the word about epilepsy.
Why? Epilepsy affects over 50 million people worldwide. That's more than multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and Parkinson's disease combined.
Why purple? Lavender is the international colour for epilepsy.
Getting involved is easy. Wear purple and encourage others to do the same. Host a Purple Day party or fundraising event at your home, school or business. And most importantly, get real facts about epilepsy by browsing this site and those of our partners.
Cassidy's Story
Hi, my name is Cassidy Megan. I’m nine years old and I have epilepsy. I started Purple Day because I wanted to tell everyone about epilepsy, especially that all seizures are not the same and that people with epilepsy are ordinary people just like everyone else. I also wanted kids with epilepsy to know that they are not alone.
Before I started Purple Day, I was afraid to tell people about my epilepsy because I thought they would make fun of me. After the Epilepsy Association of Nova Scotia did a presentation in my class, I started to talk with the other kids about my seizures. That is when I decided to become a spokesperson for kids with epilepsy.
When I’m not in school or working on Purple Day, I like to act. I have been in a couple of commercials and was the lead in a movie featured in the Atlantic Film Festival. I also like to play outdoors with my friends, take care of my four pets, go to Girl Guides and cheerlead. My favourite thing to do is spend time with my family.
Now that you know a little about me, I’d love to learn more about you. Join the Purple Day Forums and tell us about yourself! And remember - wear purple on March 26 to support epilepsy awareness! Read more..

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy First Day Of Spring!

Well, "OFFICIAL" first day but not if you looked out the still looks like winter. I must with much glee that it IS actually starting to feel like spring is in the air. I sure hope it stays this way and we don't get a nasty storm in April or even May as "Winterpeg" has been known to get. The temps have been mild and the bone chilling windchill gone allowing for the snow to start melting. Now whenever you drive on the road, you are seeing potholes everywhere (kinda like driving thru a minefield) and must avoid all the growing puddles. (Sure glad I don't have to walk the kids to school every day now or we'd be splashed/soaked daily. To mark this first day of spring the kids are looking forward to getting their bikes out today and riding them on the driveways atleast if not the road in front of our house. There is grass visible in places but unfortunately all my flower gardens are still covered in a nice white layer so no spring flowers (ie crocuses) yet. However it DOES look promising for an Easter egg hunt outside this year (unlike last year!).
HAPPY SPRING! It's been a long winter and hopefulley we can soon bid winter a farewell until next year. :D

It's Party Time

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

Do you know what time it is?? It's party time!!... Nope I'm not talking about a birthday party or Irish party (St Patrick's Day) but that it is time for the "Ultimate Blog Party 2009"from March 20 -27, 2009. If you want to check out all the festivities go to 5 Minutes For Mom or just click on my button above and "Let's Get This Party Started!". Check out all the parties happening in the blogosphere without even leaving the comfort of your home (or wherever you are :) ) It's a great way to visit new blogs, make new friends and get visitors to your blog! So if you want to grow your network, meet new friends or promote your site, Let The Party Start!

What would a party be without music and/or prizes. Both of those will be here. Check this out… Chris Mann, Leslie Mills and Diane Birch are going to be partying with us during our Ultimate Blog Party 2009!

Both bloggers and nonbloggers will be eligible to win a list of fabulous prizes. To check out the list of prizes and instuctions on how to enter go HERE.

There are so many cool prizes to be won at this year’s Ultimate Blog Party, but my top three picks would be:

And if my top three picks are already chosen, I’d love any of the following (in no particular order):

INTL 2, INTL 3, INTL 7, INTL 23, INTL 31, INTL32, INTL 33, INTL 35, USC2, USC7, USC10, USC15, USC20 or anything else related to young children since I have 3 kids aged 3, 5, and 7. Also I'd like the blog makeovers as it's about time for a new look and I don't know where to start doing that myself. :)

If you got here via Mr Linky, WELCOME! and let me introduce myself: I started blogging just over a year and a half ago. I didn't think I'd like it or have anything to blog about. Little did I know how addicting it would be. Rather than advertising anything or a way of sharing info, I guess it is more a place to share about me, myself, and my life and hopefully meet some new friends. I'm a part-time registered nurse and full-time mother to three beautiful redheads. My DH is also a full-time nurse and we've been married for eight years since we met in University. I enjoy gardening, scrapbooking and crafts of various kinds. I'm looking forward to meeting some other mothers of young children with whom I can share the experiences of motherhood and marriage and our love for the Lord. You can read more about me here on my site. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. I have never considered myself much of a speaker. Leave me a comment letting me know you stopped by so I can come visit you too!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Be Deaf!

Once Upon A Time...

Once upon a time there was a bunch
of tiny frogs.... who arranged a
running competition.
The goal was to reach the top of a
very high tower.

A big crowd had gathered around
the tower to see the race and cheer
on the contestants....
The race began....

No one in the crowd really believed
that the tiny frogs would reach the
top of the tower.
You heard statements such as:

"Oh, WAY too difficult!!"
"They will NEVER make it to the top."

"Not a chance that they will succeed.
The tower is too high!"

The tiny frogs began collapsing. One
by one....

Except for those, who in a fresh
tempo, were climbing higher and

The crowd continued to yell, "It is
too difficult!!! No one will make it!"

More tiny frogs got tired and gave

But ONE continued higher and higher
and higher....

This one wouldn't give up!

At the end everyone else had given
up climbing the tower. Except for
the one tiny frog who, after a big
effort, was the only one who
reached the top!

THEN all of the other tiny frogs
naturally wanted to know how this
one frog managed to do it?
A contestant asked the tiny frog
how he had found the strength to
succeed and reach the goal?

It turned out....
That the winner was

The wisdom of this story is:
Never listen to other people's
tendencies to be

negative or pessimistic....
they take your most wonderful
dreams and wishes away from
you -- the ones you have in your

Always think of the power words
(There's life and death in
the power of the tongue - Proverbs

Because everything you hear and
read will affect your actions!

Therefore: ALWAYS be.... POSITIVE!

And above all:
Be DEAF when people tell YOU
that you cannot fulfill your

Always think:

God and I can do this!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kids, I'll Never Understand Them!

Sorry the title got cut off...this is a Hi and Lois cartoon that was in last weekends newspaper. SOOOOOOOO True!!!! I wondered how come my kids do this and then I saw this......Do all kids act like this?! My kids can be so mad at me, rude, not listen and I get soo frustrated and/or angry. But if I leave, who do they want and get so excited when I return?!?!?

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Simple woman's Daybook ~ March 2, 2009

For Today...

Outside my window... SNOW!..but the sun is shining! Today when I was listening to the weather we had a "Windchill factor" as well as a"Humidex factor"!?!

I am thinking... it will be nice to have my son's birthday somewhere that I don't have to plan , prepare and clean-up as much as I usually do. We are going to see the movie "Monster vs Aliens" and have a popcorn party, all I have to bring is the cake.

I am thankful for... my husband.

From the kitchen... our fridge and cupboards are fuller of healthy food inc. fruits and vegetables since DH has been trying to lose weight and decrease his blood pressure

I am wearing... my favorite work uniform...FROGS of course! :) Green pants with a purple top that has big frogs sitting (green) and little frogs hopping (yellow) as well as the words "Ribbit!" in white.

I am reading... Date Night In A Minivan.

I am hoping... to participate in the Blog Party this year at 5 Minutes For Moms

I am creating... this blog post, hoping to finish it before it's time to go home

I am hearing... the late News. Everyone here at work is sleeping and soon I will get to then too.

Around the house... snow everywhere. I'm looking forward to when I can look around my house and see green shoots sprouting out of the ground (ie flowers). Perhaps then also inside my house won't be quite the war zone since the kids can go outside and play more often.

One of my favorite things... ice-cream...especially Dairy Queen blizzards, our local Dairy Queen has been open for a month sow and I still haven't gone yet this year...maybe DH, the kids and I should do that later this week... :)

A few plans for the rest of the week... I'm looking forward to having three days off at home in a row. Never have I so looked forward to doing housework!

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

One Tree Hill, one of my favorite places during my trip to New Zealand. It is a park on an extinct volcano...a piece of paradise in the middle of a bustling city. Look at all that green grass...*sigh*...I know underneath all this snow we have some grass somewhere.

To read more Daybook entries go to Peggy's site here

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Friday Fill-ins #113

1. I'm a sinner, I'm saved, I want to make God smile with whatever I do.
2. Why do I have the desire to sing and dance and not the ability?
3. How does this parenting thing work, anyway? ...sometimes I so wish kids came with manuels :P
4. Every morning, I put mascara on my eyelashes .
5. I consider myself lucky because I have a beautiful family!
6. One day we’ll see Disneyworld together as a family.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going swimming at the YMCA with the kids, tomorrow my plans include vegging and just spending time at home with my family and Sunday, I want to go to church with my hubby & kids after work !

For more Fill-in Fun go here