This is my gang anxiously waiting for the show to start.
Liam showing off his dinosaur shirt. "Soft & Fuzzy"..."Boy is he in for a surprise!"
No Picture Available (mine didn't turn out) - The Triassic Period. The environment was very harsh, with deserts and dry wilderness. There was no grass and no flowers. There were no dinosaurs at the beginning of the triassic but many amphibians and reptiles. At the end of the period, the first sauropods appear.
The Jurassic Period - The continents shift and the climates worldwide become wetter and warmer. The deserts retreat and are replaced by lush forests and vast open fern prairies.
The Stegosaurus - at 9 meters long and 4 meters tall, this is one of the most easily identifiable dinos.
Mass fire burning and killing all the vegetation
Rain has put out the fires but there is no vegetation so many of the herbivores dinosaures died out.
The Cretaceuos Period - the continents continue to break up and there is more bodies of water forming and the sea levels were high. In the skies, the Pterosaurs were common. Dinosaurs on land continued to diversify and dominate the landscape. New species of herbivores emerged and new carnivore groups developed.
For the first time, flowering plants appeared and became the dominant flora.
Here comes mommy T-Rex! That little guy in the corner would be her baby that the other dinos are cornering...
Mommy T-Rex and baby. T.Rex was one of the largest terrestrial carnivores of all time. It stood approx 4-5 meters high, was about 12-15 meters in length and roughly 6 tonnes in weight. It was one of the last dinos to exist prior to the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event. It's not certain what caused the demise of the dinos but the most widely accepted explanation of the mass extinction of animal and marine life at the end of the late Cretaceous is the collision of a meteor into the earth.
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