Oops, as many other things, I had good intentions but I'm late again. I realized last week that it will be one year since I started this blog on October 14 and I decided I'd write a one year post. Well, it is now October 15th!!!! OOPS (again)!!! I started this blog off last year after one failed attempt to do a blog. So I tried again at the encouragement of a friend who has been blogging for several years, you can check out here blog here. I honestly didn't think I'd have anything interesting to say or be able to stick with it. Well here I am...STILL and I must admit there were definite periods of "'drought & famine" on Toad's Secret Spot but I'm enjoying it all the same. It is a great way to keep a journal of times past, precious once-in-a-moment memories that you may not remember a year later, and to communicate with friends and loved ones. As well as the opportunity to meet new friends and read other blogs...feeling like I have more of a social network than is visible. Also, I'm using it as a way to motivate myself to self-improvement. Well, must be off so here is to another great year. I know that kids grow up fast and the 5th birthday is here before you know it.....hopefully I can say the same thing about my blog. Thank-you to those of you you have commented and supported me in the past year. Here are a list of all who have visited (and left a comment on) my blog in it's first year. I must say I was very surprised as to how long this list is. I honestly thought there would just be a few and I could compile this list much quicker...anyway here it is, check them out as there are many interesting blogs here:
- Gill http://gills-jottings.blogspot.com/
- Janet http://fridayfillins.blogspot.com/
- BJ http://freedomfiles.homeschooljournal.net/
- Judy http://www.blogger.com/profile/10613338367975508740
- LarryG http://ytfe.blogsot.com/
- J http://www.missmodderpotts.blog.com/
- Rachael's Mom www.blogger.com/profile/18244542808232865104
- Jennifer http://jenniferhendrickson.blogspot.com/
- cj http://cjreading.blogspot.com/
- Jack http://slightlyoff-center.blogspot.com/
- SandyM http://sandystyl.blogspot.com/
- Crazy Daisy http://foreverdaisies.blogspot.com/
- smileyes http://smiletodayandeveryday.blogspot.com/
- eastcoastlife http://eastcoastlife.blogspot.com/
- Hi, I'm Robyn http://ilovegiveaways.blogspot.com/, http://cookinwithfriends.blogspot.com/
- Misty http://mistywagner.blogspot.com/
- BrineS http://readravereview.blogspot.com/, http://acupofjoy.wordpress.com/, http://acupofjoy.wordpress.com/
- the 160 acre woods http://the100acrewoods.com/
- tvollowitz@aol.com
- Bad Momma http://bad-momma.blogspot.com/
- susan http://susansmusing.wordpress.com/
- Angie (Angelica Grace Designs) http://angelicagracedeigns.com/blog/index.html
- Jessica http://www.blogger.com/profile/12170043582358554487
- Gretchen http://jewelsinmycrownsomeday.blogspot.com/
- Nadine http://justbeingme1.blogspot.com/
- Lauren http://beneshes.blogspot.com/
- joyful days http://ourjoyfuldays.blogspot.com/
- susan http://bygrace3.blogspot.com/
- KC http://mindlesschatterofabusymom.blogsot.com/
- Melissa http://melissa-snapshots.blogspot.com/
- Vicky
- Andrea R http://atypicalife.net/blog
- Heather's Brain http://heathersbrain.blogspot.com/
- Rhen (yestheyareallmine) http://yestheyareallmine.wordpress.com/
- Veronica Mitchell http://toddledrege.com/
1 comment:
This is a fun post and great way to celebrate a year of blogging!
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