Sunday, May 31, 2009

W Is For Westgrove

The kids had a book launch at school last week of a book the students of Westgrove elementary (my kids' school) wrote, illustrated and published. It (the project) started seven months ago when they had a guest author showing the new book he'd written about Manitoba titled 'G Is For Golden Boy'. This sparked an idea with the librarian and away they went on starting there own project. I attended the launch and it was very interesting, they showed a powerpoint presentation of the various stages of production. Each class making an alphabet list about their school, each class was assigned certain letters to make a poem about the final choice of word for each letter, also for each letter they were assigned they had to make an oil-like painting. With help from various people in the community including the author & illustrator of the 'G Is For Goldenboy' book, their book was published. The cover drawing was done by my son's class. Here I've scanned the letters of the alphabet for Westgrove School:

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