Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hello Out There

If this works, I guess I will have created my first blog. I like the idea of having a log of past events but I have just a hard time keeping anything like this up (ie letter writing, journaling). Not that I haven't tried in the past - I have good intentions but that's where it stops after I start something up. I'm hoping to end that trend. Right now, I'm typing this at 3:30 am as I am working a night shift. Sad but true. Not sure if and when I'll have time to figure out how to do this properly during the day. Thankfully, I have a dear friend who understands my lack of blogging skills and has offered to help me out! Thanks BJ! :) Hopefully I'll get this figured out and start blogging content of interest soon.


Rachael said...

Hey, here you are!!!! It looks great! I think you have it.

BJ said...

I just left that comment while I was signed into your account, just so you know! No one has hacked into your blog! :)